Monday, June 26, 2017

The Bread of Idleness

Up and at ‘em! What a beautiful morning to run! Although I didn’t expect it to be so cold at 6:30am, my legs felt like ice, lol. Time to invest in some good leggings! It was so fun running with my friends, and I think it will help me be more motivated to stick with it. Boy was I huffing and puffing this morning, it had been over a week since I had gone on a run. Although, I had also gone on a long bike ride with Mark and the kids the night before, so I was a little worn out anyway.
It was so encouraging to have two friends cheering me on. During our run, I was the monkey in the middle, lol. I preferred it that way. If I happened to trip over my two left feet, I had someone to catch me! All in all, I did pretty good considering how out of shape I'm in, lol. Going home, it was nice to find that my kids were still asleep. I had a few minutes of quite time, and I stumbled upon this verse from Psalm 46:4-5:
"There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day."
Here, God is talking about Jerusalem, but in a sense we are the city. Our bodies are the temple of God in which He dwells! God is within me, He will not let me fall, He will help me at the break of each new day. Great verse to meditate on in the morning!
Speaking of God’s temple, I do a pretty poor job of maintaining it properly. One of the reasons I wanted to start running is because I wanted motivation to eat healthier. I struggle a lot with binge eating, and gluttony. This is a sin that people like to write off, but God makes it clear that it is a sin. I understand that some people have conditions that cause them to gain weight. And some people have very stressful jobs. I have neither. My weight problem stems from laziness, pure and simple. Growing up, I watched tv a lot, and I always coupled it with comfort food. This has been a hard habit to break, and I hate how it controls me. I want to be a Godly wife and mother, like the woman described in this passage:
She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.Proverbs 31:27

I always think food will make me happy, but it does just the opposite. It’s like my mother likes to say, “We must eat to live, not live to eat.” She is a very wise woman! One thing I never try enough, is praying about the sin I struggle with. That is the most powerful tool I possess. Not just here or there, but earnestly praying for God to take the desire away from me. I want to be filled with His desires, not my own.
All in all, today was a pretty productive day. I had fun running in the morning, tried to eat healthier, and got a lot done! I'm hoping and praying that training for a 5K will help me to better structure my days. I want to feel happier and be more accomplished; I need to find my joy in Christ, not food.
{Feeling like an Road Warrior!}

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